CRISPR presentation by Gentaur at KULeuven


9:00 AMRegistration & Networking Breakfast
10:00 AMOpening Remarks & Keynote: "The Future of Molecular Genomics"Dr. Celeste Arbour
11:00 AMPanel Discussion: "Integrating Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics"Dr. Alaric Fennec, Prof. Ezra Larkfield, Dr. Iris Verdant
12:30 PMLunch Break
1:30 PMWorkshop: "Leveraging Bioinformatics Tools for High-Throughput Sequencing"Dr. Iris Verdant
3:00 PMCase Study: "From Bench to Business - Genomics in Industry"Industry Panel
4:00 PMCoffee Break & Poster Sessions
5:00 PMClosing Remarks: "Towards a Collaborative Future in Bioinformatics"Prof. Ezra Larkfield
5:30 PMNetworking Session

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